PLANZEIT expert is a calculation program with integrated knowledge data base and document management.
Basis for the use of computer systems in the work planning environment is the ability of the software solution to represent the reality as accurately as possible. The well-known classical software solutions are rigid systems that this reality up to a certain degree, include in the form of programs and data. When changes in the environment, the system must be adapted at large expenditure to the changed reality. Expert systems go here a step further, by containing the reality not in the form of programs, but in the form of at any time flexibly alterable knowledge. The computer-reality is not the programmer, but by the work planner itself "modelled".
PLANZEIT expert makes this possible through a combination of
- static parameters,
- manufacturing conditions, machines, operations, costs
- class lists of characteristics
- dynamic knowledge parameters,
- calculation methods
- linkages of calculation methods
- transaction data
- item master with classification
- work plan with calculation
PLANZEIT expert is a calculation program, which falls back for the determination of times / quantities / procedures on knowledge-based methods (tables / decision tables / formulas). These methods can call / nest themselves mutually, and make so an illustrating of complicated calculations and decision ways possible.
These can be defined product- and company-specific.
For the range work preparation calculation developed therefore a universally operational product, which is growing the requirements and changes in the enterprise.
The package was conceived for the single-and multi-stage production.
Advantages of PLANZEIT expert
- The use of planned times is economical, because for the same or similar operational procedures and component parts are no new time recordings necessary.
- The use of planned times facilitates the calculation and increases the calculation security.
- At the composition of plan time systems, the user is occasioned to think through the operational procedure and it develops a necessity to the workplace layout.
- Plan times make it possible to plan and control operational procedures.
- With adaptable plan time systems rather the possibility exists to come to a performance-related remuneration in the single and small-scale production.
- The maintenance of work plans is substantially facilitated, especially when the time formulas or tables are stored in the computer.