WEB expert
WEB expert allows the simple and fast access to the information of your enterprise, which is daily needed for the controlling of the operational sequences and for the improvement of communication with customers and suppliers. The information they already have? Right. It is just not always easy to get it. WEB expert picks online to your databases and allows you a new insight into your business.
WEB expert based on proven Internet technology and can be used both in the Intranet and in the Internet. Whether you work now in the local area network or over the Internet, sF WEB expert will help you increase your efficiency and to bring transparency into operational sequences.
The intuitive operation of WEB expert makes your employees immediately productive and open access to operational information, even in places where this was not practicable so far.

Thereby WEB expert is "low-maintenance". There is no complex installation required on the client - a common Web browser such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer is already sufficient.
A sophisticated security system allows it to control access to accurate information. Every employee gets the information he needs in order to work successfully without free accesses to all data must become certified. The access of an employee in the field service may, for example exactly to the customers and orders limited, for which he is responsible himself, all other data are not visible for him.
WEB expert is an integration platform that enables besides information to integrate out structura FORM also all further sources of information in the enterprise. From the construction to the marketing control, Information from different sources can be combined and shown integrated.