Production duration and quantity/overhead costs/material management
The BDE - module supports you perfectly in the optimization of the manufacturing. The order times/quantity administration books the actual times and quantities to the operating sequence of the current production order and informs you therefore about the accrued costs (concurrent accounting) and the manufacturing progress. Overhead costs times can be assigned to a cost centre, a project or an order for overhead costs. The system provides information over the achieved performance level. The material administration simplifies the handling of the stock item entries. All data are available if required online the ERP system.
Highlights of the BDE module:
- Generation of production orders with production plans and manufacturing parts lists as carriers of the work order times and quantity management.
- Machine or workplace-related detailed planning functions (layer / sequence planning).
- Time near provision of material and wage slips (optional).
- Efficient and error free logging of the production times and quantities to the production order by the support of bar codes or rather RFID's.
- Logging of the overhead costs times (malfunction periods/general works) to an overhead costs order or rather for the cost centre.
- Stock requisition to an order or to the cost centre are locally seized and booked after release.
- The concurrent accounting keeps you always up to date over the material and production costs incurred as well as the reached product profitability.
- Interfaces to the existing ERP system.
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